Fred Hassen
Las Vegas, NV
Fred Hassen is the founder and originator of the Sit Means Sit dog training system – a studied, tested, proven, specialized approach that shows immediate results in the dog’s ability to maintain focus to the task at hand even around distractions in a non-confrontational way.
Fred has presented seminars to pet owners, professional dog trainers and K9 handlers across the continent and abroad for many years, while building the largest U.S. based dog training franchise in the world.
Fred is constantly pushing the bar higher and the Sit Means Sit system is in a constant state of flux continuously improving and providing handlers the ability to communicate more effectively with their canine partners.
Fred believes “Talk is cheap” and has a library of over 1500 videos, in real time, showcasing the many benefits of the Sit Means Sit dog training system.
Why I Use SportDOG Brand
SportDOG Brand® is my choice for an e-collar partner because they listen to feedback from professionals. The SD-800SMS e-collar is the result of a collaborative effort between Sit Means Sit™ and SportDOG Brand®.
Favorite Products
Our own Sit Means Sit Collar
http://www.sitmeanssit.com/Other Senior Prostaff

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