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Bob Ford

Ramey, PA


Bob has hunted with beagles from Alabama to the Quebec border in pursuit of swamp rabbits, the eastern cottontail, and hare. He has owned beagles since 1985 and trains his hounds year round, sometimes competing in field trials, but always conditioning his pack with an eye looking forward to the rabbit hunting season. Ford is an award winning writer and a monthly contributor to the premiere hunting beagle magazines--Hounds and Hunting, The American Beagler, and Better Beagling. His favorite music is a pack of beagles echoing their voices through a valley on a foggy morning, and he prefers vintage American made side by side shotguns. Ford is a member of The Outdoor Writers Association of America, The Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, and the Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers. He is in the briars with the hounds most mornings at dawn and you can find more about him at

Why I Use SportDOG Brand

I use SportDOG because they are the innovators in the industry of training collars. Sure, there are other companies that understand global positioning—and they are devoted to many projects. SportDOG is about the sporting dog, as the name implies. When it comes to customer service, you will have no trouble calling the company and getting help from fellow dog enthusiasts who both understand the technology and thoroughly appreciate your goals as a hunter. It is SportDOG’s singular focus on developing tools for training and conditioning canine hunting partners that impresses me.

Favorite Products

As a beagler my biggest concern is the ability to know my pack’s location, especially if the hunt carries me in the vicinity of roads. SportDOG tracking technology is my favorite product.

Other Senior Prostaff

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	Fred has presented seminars to pet...Fred Hassen is the founder and originator of the Sit Means Sit dog training system – a studied, tested, proven, specialized approach that shows immediate results in the dog’s ability to maintain focus to the task at hand even around distractions in a non-confrontational way.

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Fred Hassen

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LTC Jim Morehouse

Raised in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, Jim was involved in hunting and birddogs from an early age. Upon graduation from college, he joined the US Army in 1967. He served until 1989, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After his retirement, Jim and his wife...

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Next Generation GunDog Training

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