Training Tips
Here's how we make the most of each huntPlaying vs. Training: The Do's and Don'ts of Training Your Gun Dog Puppy
by The SportDOG Staff
When you get your pup at seven or eight weeks everything you do with him is a learning experience. This includes the walks in the yard with new smells, petting and cuddling with you and the kids and even the games you play in the front room. Puppies love to...
Training Your Hunting Dog to an In-Ground Fence
by The SportDOG Staff
In-Ground Fence™ containment systems have risen dramatically in popularity over the years, and there’s good reason. In-Ground Fence systems are safe and effective devices for keeping your dog in a safe area. Most dogs take to this very quickly, especially hunting dogs that are used to e-collar training. In fact,...
Proper Foot Care for Your Dog in the Season
by The SportDOG Staff
For many of us, season is here. You and your pup have worked hard for this, and it’s time to enjoy it. Nothing can end that fun quicker for you and your dog than a foot injury. The following tips will help keep your hunting partner fit and ready for...
Gun Dog Training: 3 Things Your Puppy Should Learn
by The SportDOG Staff
If you’re reading this article, you probably own, have owned, or are thinking about owning a gun dog puppy. To train your puppy to be a retrieving machine, here are three things that are crucial to teach it from day one. 1) Socialize, Socialize, Socialize Your home is unfamiliar to your new...
5 Things to Remember When Training Your Hunting Dog
by The SportDOG Staff
Training your own gun dog can be one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences of any pet owner’s life. The sense of pride and elation that one feels after their dog has learned a new command is only rivaled by the feelings of doubt and frustration after a training...
Controlling Multiple Dogs
by The SportDOG Staff
One of the questions I am asked most is, "how do you control so many hounds at once?" Well that's easy: you need a good multiple dog training system like the SportDOG Brand® HoundHunter® 3225 with 2 mile range. Then you need to know each of your hounds individually. Hounds...
Dealing with a Heat-Related Emergency
by The SportDOG Staff
We lose more dogs to heat-related emergencies than almost any other. If you take preventive measures before heading out to the field, there’s much less of a chance your dog will get into trouble. But when a dog starts to show signs of heat stress, knowing how to deal with...
Dealing with Hunting Dog Injuries
by The SportDOG Staff
Cuts are common in hunting dogs. Briars, barbed-wire, broken glass, or even sharp broken saplings can slice a dog’s skin as it hunts. Appropriate field care of wounds can decrease healing time and make the veterinarian’s job much easier. Remember the watchwords: flush, fill and wrap. Flushing Fresh cuts may look quite...
Building a First Aid Kit
by The SportDOG Staff
My background is a bit different than many of the dog handlers on the SportDOG® ProStaff. I’m a tactical paramedic. I work with law enforcement and service dogs. In fact, I’ve never hunted with dogs. However, I’ve trained explosive-detection canines, and I specialize in cadaver dogs. Today, I teach canine...
Tips For Dove Hunting And Gun Dogs
by The SportDOG Staff
There are many things that you should do to prepare you and your dog for opening day of dove season. For most of us in the south, it is still very hot during dove season. The most important thing is to keep yourself and your dog hydrated! There are all...
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Training Your Gun Dog
by The SportDOG Staff
The best thing about the years that SportDOG® employees and our ProStaffers have spent training dogs is that we've made mistakes. We preach the value of mistakes because you’ll learn from them even more than your successes, but there's no reason you can't learn from ours, too. These are 5...
First Aid for Your Hunting Dog - Video
by The SportDOG Staff
In this SportDOG Brand Training Tip (originally aired on Pheasants Forever Television) Dr. Joe Spoo,DVM explains the correct way to provide first aid care for your hunting dog while in the field. Emergency care for your gun dog in the field can prevent long term dog problems from developing.
Finding the Right NoBark Collar for Your Hunting Dog
by The SportDOG Staff
Our NoBark Collars are famous for helping teach your dog when to be silent, but how do you know which one is right for your gun dog? We offer three models of NoBark collars to allow you to pick the best solution for your dog. Below are some helpful tips...
5 Training Tips to Beat the Summer Heat
by The SportDOG Staff
Keeping a hunting dog in shape during the off season will give it the best chance to perform at peak levels once the hunting season opens in the fall. The continued workouts will maintain tough paw pads, loose joints, proper weight, and preserve endurance and stamina. To achieve this, training must...
Finding Your Dog's “Just Right” E-Collar Level
by The SportDOG Staff
Many times, for a new hunting dog owner who’s just purchased their first remote trainer, there’s an urge to strap on the collar right away and start pressing buttons. Some novice trainers mistakenly think that a modern e-collar is a magic remote control, in which dogs instantly and robotically obey...
3 Facts About the NoBark SBC-R Bark-Control Collar
by The SportDOG Staff
One of the latest products from SportDOG, that embodies this acceptance of the new-age technology, is the NoBark SBC-R. Engineered to offer the most advanced bark detection possible, the SBC-R continues to raise the bar of expected performance in electronic bark-control collars.
Chris Akin
9 articles
Chris has spent most of his life duck hunting or training in the field. Over the years, his program evolved into one of the most accomplished hunt test programs in the country. Webb Footed Kennels, Inc. has produced more than 350 Hunting Retriever Champions, 175 Master Hunters, and 35 Grand...
LTC Jim Morehouse
6 articles
Raised in the Finger Lakes area of New York State, Jim was involved in hunting and birddogs from an early age. Upon graduation from college, he joined the US Army in 1967. He served until 1989, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After his retirement, Jim and his wife...
Lynne Frady
2 articles
Owning Labrador Retrievers since the age of 9 has given Lynne a rare opportunity. She learned to listen to her dogs. They have taught her more than she has taught them, and to think any differently would be an error on her part, according to Lynne. She has had the pleasure...
Rick Grant
3 articles
With his wife Terri, Rick co-owns and operates Perfect 10 Kennel. Their business offers boarding, grooming, and retriever training. They also breed Labrador retrievers. Rick has 30 years of experience in retriever training, participating in everything from field trials to hunt tests to upland hunting competitions.