Brian Szczech
Moreland, GA
Brian has been training retrievers for more than thirty years. He is a member of and competes his dogs in the Hunting Retriever Club circuit. He has personally owned and trained 3 Grand Hunting Retriever Champions/Master Hunters, one being GR HR CH Super Shooter of Ontario MH Hall of Fame Status. He is on the UKC/HRC historical stud dog list, the second GR HR CH Flyway Red Zoey MH. is the second Chesapeake Bay Retriever to hold these elite set of titles. Brian has also authored and produced his four video DVD series "Gold-Plated Gundogs Retrieving Success."
Favorite Products
I like the SD-1825CAMO and SBC-18.
Websites Senior Prostaff
Clint Johnson
Clint Johnson has professionally trained hundreds of retrievers and titled many champions. With more than 11 years of experience, he has competed in the Super Retriever Series (winner of 2004 SRS in El Campo, TX), World Retriever Championships, AKC trials, UKC Grand, and AKC/UKC hunt tests. Clint Johnson Retrievers Training...
Chris Scott
Chris Scott owns L&D Retrieving in Henderson, Tennessee. He has been training and running AKC and UKC Hunt test for over 20 years. He has trained thousands and titled hundreds of retrievers. In 2014 he built a new 3000 square foot kennel. The kennel is equipped with Mason kennels and...
Perry Ross
Starting at the age of 4, Perry grew up coon hunting with his father and grandfather. He is passionate about PKC competition hunting and has been featured on TV shows for Realtree. He currently runs guide services out of New Mexico, Kansas, and Kentucky and has won competitions with his...