Support Topic

My GPS Collar or E-Collar Module is experiencing outside interference.

You can adjust the channels on both the GPS Collar and E-Collar Module. To change the GPS channel, start from the main menu on your Handheld Device. Select SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION>GPS CHANNEL. Press the right arrow key to toggle between available GPS channels, 1 to 5. At the prompt "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?" select YES. Your new GPS channel has now been selected. Press BACK to return to the main menu. Changing GPS channel requires that the collar be paired again to the Handheld Device.

To change the E-Collar channel, start from the main menu on your Handheld Device. Select SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION>E-COLLAR CH. Press the right arrow key to toggle between available E-Collar channels, 1 to 5. At the prompt "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?" select YES. Your new GPS channel has now been selected. Press BACK to return to the main menu. Changing the E-Collar channel requires that the collar be paired again to the Handheld Device.

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